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Guided mental health notebooks—for yourself or the ones you love. An essential component of a mental health first aid kit that supports physical and emotional well-being.
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Best Seller
The Anti-Anxiety Notebook
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to Reframe and Reset
Best Seller
The Build-a-Habit Guide
A Research-Backed Program to Make Habits Stick
Therapist Pick
The Therapy Journal
A Guided Reflection Space for Your Therapy Sessions
5 Tools-in-1
The Field Guide for Depression
Tools to Motivate, Reframe, and Connect
Clinical Favorite
The Anti-Insomnia Notebook
An Evidence-Based Program for Better Sleep
Clinical Favorite
The After-Trauma Notebook
Written Exposure Therapy to Process, Release, and Heal
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The Complete Collection
Mental health tools for your everyday needs
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The Everyday Self-Care Set
Build a routine of self-care and intention
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The Anxiety & Depression Set
For the two most commonly co-occuring conditions
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